Skull and Rose.

Hey, Did this, crappy mobile pic but still looks sweet. Sleep to Win 666

Horiyoshi III exhibition and new tattoos

These past few months had been very intence, not only for the daily job, but also for convention, exhibitions i took part to and exhibition i'm organizing for 2012.
On top of that, my weekly commitment to my Japanese Art History course and my yoga practice! thing at the time.....

Here are some pics of my last tattoos from Florence Convention (my god the food was gooooood!!!!! and the people lovely :) !!), ongoing work and my first face with spray paint on wall which im quite proud of to be honest, because ii normally do flat letters and i actually have fun with it!

Jam in Newcastle with the Girls On good to see them !!

I did this today at Jolie Rouge, I really enjoyed it and this is one tough lady...first tattoo on ribs and she didn't flinch for 3 hours!!
Neck tattoo at Florence Convention
Forearm tattoo on Jon in Florence
Another Florence convention tattoo...have fun with this too!

Ongoing tattoo at Jolie Rouge....I'm doing more this week, no need really to post it, but i like it already! Thanx Gary, always a pleasure tattooing you...good taste and keep still all the time!!

This are some little eagles I had fun painting, i think i will sell some little prints soon so you guys can make your loved ones some nice presents! don't forget i still have some prints and scarfs for sale!.............. wink wink!

I did this one a while ago at Jolie Rouge and i really like it, just different from the usual!!!


I kept it silent for months now, as any good supersticious italian would do, but I've been working on the organization of the next European exhibition of Horiyoshi III latest work. The exhibition will have a private view and opening on the 20th of March, to the public from the 21st till the 10th of July at the Somerset House in London.
The exhibition will be very different from what most would expect. There's going to be little about tattoos...well, this actually isn't true. I had been given the chance to choose a selection of pictures that will aim to give a feel of the meaning of KOKORO.
Kokoro literally means "the heart of things", and in the end it's the essence of what makes Japanese culture so unique. It always amazed me through the years how everything is so strongly linked together in Japanese art (in all of it's forms and in it's highest expression) as in the routine of daily life. There's always a recurrence of silent quaint respect and dedication in japanese art and traditional life style that it's hard to find in other cultures.
I studied and looked for years books of images and i knew that dedication, determination, focus, will power, were not the only answer or the name of "it". KOKORO is. I can't explain it with words yet properly, and i don't want just yet. The porpouse of this exhibition is to make you feel that vibration, very subtle but strong and constant, that is kokoro.
To "make you feel" there will be not only amazing photographs by Horikitsune and Horimatsu (some of them already published in Kokoro book by Kofuu-Senju Publications) but also examples of zen calligraphy by Horiyoshi III and 14 amazing kakejiku (painting on silk scroll) by the master himself. Last week I went to Alex Reinke (Horikitsune) and we opened and photographed all the scrolls and I was stunned by the beauty of them so so amazing.
For the first time we will have colour paintings too, and they are just beautiful. All the painting needs to be seen and appreciated live. NOT TO BE MISSED.
I will be posting more updates about the exhibition, so please come i will spoil you with some cheeky previews of what you will be able to appreciate at the Somerset House next spring!

I just want to say how grateful i am to be working at such amazing project and I want to thank Horiyoshi III for that, and even more my friend Alex for trusting me and letting me be part of it.
I feel blessed.



i didn't take the time to think much about my blog sadly, so there's not much i want to say this time. November is almost over, and the cold winter can be a little bit depressing sometimes...

Fortunately some great projects are on the way, and this really makes me happy.
every here and then, some client comes in the shop with a new idea, an open mind...
 a person that is ready to accept discussion and creation of a new tattoo, as a true collaboration between the client and the artist.

sometimes, when the initial idea is not enough, or too much element, or for any reason not working right, then it's just necessary to make it work out. so we talk and talk... and draw...

and, well, this is what happened with the project below! happy week everyone!

Audrey 2

Audrey 2
 Finally done enough for a photo...we still have to add some flowers and maybe tweek some details. I hope I
can get some healed photos without the glare. Anywho, it's Audrey 2 from Little Shop of Horrors. Loosely based on the film designs. I drew this one from the ground up.

more tattoos

...because last time there was more about frank, so this time i can put more of my stuff on the table.

oh yesterday my wife and i have gone to a cool concert, so we had our fun out of work too.

i am really happy about how this week ended!

melanie's first tattoo, final session, tadam!

second session on alexander's holy marie, one more to come

first session on guillaume's cover

joy division tribute, done...

Few new pieces and updates!

Hello peeps

so....i've got quite a few news...first thing first here's the conventions i'll be working at in the next few months...and so far confirmed guestsposts.....

4-5-6 november 2011 Florence Tattoo Convention

28-29 January 2012 Brighton Convention

7-8 february 2012 Guestspot at Milano Ink

10-11-12 february 2012 Milano Tattoo Convention

27-28-29 april 2012 Melbourne Tattoo convention rites of passage

I've also started some new pieces that i'm quite excited about and quite a few are lined up for the end of the month, so get ready cause there will be juicy new pics soon!!
here's some of them......


i was almost forgetting to remind you all of my 100% silk scarfs!!!!
Now you can by them on the SHOP page, along with my paintings and prints......

I apologise for the blog...i'm changing the layout so it doesn't look too good!
These past six weeks have been crazy......London Tattoo Convention happened and it was amazing!! I saw sooo many old friends and made some new ones.....

...i've got tattooed by Shion from Daruma Goya, Japan...after a week of not sleeping it was sooo painful but soooo worth it!!!

Ah.....I almost forgot!!!....we will have a new tattooist at Jolie Rouge working with us, he's name is Mario, please check out the shop updates on the link on the right.....he's very good.....WORD!!!

We had Adam Hays staying with us for a week and it was fun, specially after work ;)....

Meeting of styles in London last week!!! and my mega talented friend Peeta showed everybody how to do a piece in 3 hours that most couldn't even dream of!! You can see his work this week end at MONIKER ART FAIR..............

I will be leaving for Italy tomorrow afternoon for the opening of an exhibition i'm honored to be part of.......all the best artists i know from Padova and some from Europe, will be there....only one will be missing and missed.......
The exhibition is called URBANIZE ME and will be up till the 20th of November

here's a little preview of what i painted for took me a while, but i'm happy with the result! fingers crossed, people will like it too!!!

It's called's a tribute to Jeos of course....I think he would have liked usual all the flowers and elements in the paintings are simbols that have been used in the past.....i love to use's somehow very human.....

Hope you are all well and i leave you tonight with a video that at the moment I can't stop watching...the song just makes me sooo happy.....I love the london-ness in it......and it's positive......bring on positive and happy i say!!!

ok i'm off to do some yoga......night!


back in Geneva

Hello to all,

it's been two weeks now since we have returned to our home city, and back to work.
Those 3 weeks of holiday were a great relief, i loved so many things in Montreal, Canada!

We WILL go again, that's for sure, i will miss it so much...

I'll post another topic talking only about the trip soon, but this ones about things happened in Geneva.

Last friday, Innina and me organized a "vernissage" with our friend Franck that's all arts!
We are now hosting his wonderful works, in our shop, and exposing for him some of his unique work!

Here are some of his creations, i took pictures of some of the frames in the shop, it's just for you to have an idea... you can reserve it in our shop, or online on his website here. If you have any question, about international orders or for custom demand, you can contact him here.

Also, we started to get into taxidermy to decorate our shop and that special evening, we received just so much stuff!!! so there's pictures of that too. Thank you Franck, Jerome et Phil!

...oh, and a couple tattoos, too.

some script, big'n'clean

first tattoo done back in geneva! with jetlag!

surprised fox

eeeeeevil goat head

Amon, la marthe

And now, some of Francky's stuff!

beginning of the party... the only picture i will show this time!