Lucifers Friend

 This is some slightly less known Sabbathy/Judas priest-ish doomy 70's awesomeness. I bought the record because of the record cover alone and it turned out to be really great. Most of the album is good...but this is my favorite track.

 link to full album: Lucifer's Friend

Ugly Gypsy prints

Ugly Gypsy
 Tired of all the "pretty" gypsy heads??
 Prints of the "Ugly Gypsy" at Society6.....Gypsy prints

Skull BabySkull

 Todays tattoo was a cover up ( we still have more to do) The main image is my re-interpretation of a Skull Fetus thing he brought me.

august news

Hello everyone!

Remember i said summer is low season? Well it's nearly over...
This week i have been working well, each day at least one nice project going on. Subjects i like, friendly clients, what could i ask more?

Of course i am exhausted this sunday, packing up a little for next week, still unpacking from last week off in france...

but enough of this, here comes the pictures!


outline session


this is a bio organic project i just started, first session, 3 hours lining


2nd session, might need some touchups 


3rd session, we now began the shades.
still much work to accomplish


unicorn skull!!!! how cool!!!

Saturday, 2nd part:

owl of wisdom, outlines.

..stay tuned, there might be more next week!!!!
until then, i wish you all the best. Tank you for subscribing to my blog if you like it, i'll appreciate :)



 This stuff is so good it deserves 2 tracks up in here....hypnotic and gloomy...headphones are needed!


 This is an interesting find....very doomy black/death metal with some atmosphere....i think i like it.

Until the Light Takes us...(trailer)

 A very good documentary on the early Black Metal scene...It's an instant watch on Netflix if ya have that.



A torch on Jake...he also has the Wolf eating the Sun and 
the Snake n Dagger . He lets me do cool stuff!!!