eager to move on

well today i'll put down a short little post about some tattoos i cant wait to carry on with.
some have just been delayed due to cancelled appointment, that's sad but eventually it will be done later...

...and some, crappy stuff clients just don't show up and don't give any news or even answer the phone yet... well i still hope i'll be able to reach them and finish what we started, because it would look better that way.
...no news yet

...next session in a couple weeks

...no other session planned yet

...no news yet

...and soon we'll arrange the tattoo shop... 
we'll open a giant window to actually feel a little less "locked apart"
here's a picture of a part of the wall we'll get rid of... i built it with friends when i opened the shop actually... ah, mistakes from youth... (yes, the wall ends up on the window)