Tribal Chest Tattoo

Black color has its own relevance in the tribal chest tattoo designs. It's the black ink that doesn't let the tribal chest tattoo die (fade) easily. It's due to its inimitable designs that these tattoos are still in demand. The most common found tribal chest tattoos exhibit Maori designs, Eskimo totems and Aztec sun clocks and the range is unending. Besides these, tribal chest tattoo designs are created with heavy lines and different hues. Tribal chest tattoos, which are well liked for their designs, are originated from Maori, Haida, Polynesian and Native American designs. What differentiates Tribal chest tattoos from other ones is its history of body decoration. Tribal Chest tattoos symbolize relationship shared between people in a group, family, social, etc. One can go for attractive, dazzling yet exceptional tribal chest tattoos in any season on any part of the body. He or she would bring himself on the brink of risk if by chance a tattoo is wrongly done or placed on his or her body.

Back from summer.

Well it's how I feel right now.
I've been getting back into sidewalk surfing this summer, which feels great. Since they finished the Geneva brand new skatepark, I can even use my carver in the bowl...
That skatepark is the biggest concrete outdoor one of Europe I've been told...
Well I don't know much about the other ones, but that one surely looks huge!

Also, I have worked all summer. Those last few weeks I prepared several new big tattoos, one back piece and several sleeves... So this fall should be very interesting!

On 18,19 and 20 of this month (just next week actually!) I will be attending to the Evian tattoo convention!!! Having a booth there for 3 days, and I still have some free time to take people there for a spontaneous cool tattoo!!!
The week after, we will have a very special guest artist, Adam Christopher!!!! You still can contact us to get an appointment if you are quick, as he's getting booked fast!

Enough talking, more pictures...

Bears and tattoo machines.

Been busy working and partying as hard as I possibly can, think its taking its toll though, so time to slow down and prepare myself for the work frenzy to come. STW

More summer work

I won't say much, as the title says it all. And sunny hot weather make me want to go outside and ride my bicycle, skate, eat, and party.
Enjoy summer! (but you still can enjoy tattoos!)

Owl tattoo

That is not dead which eternal can lie. And with strange aeons even death can die.

Work in progress...

Yeah, it's on the getting-there side these days!!!
Or, at least, a "good" start...

Oh, whatever, check the pictures already.


...oh, and don't forget, the shop will be CLOSED NEXT WEEK, so if you want to get tattooed by Mattias in two weeks, DON'T FORGET TO ASK THIS WEEK!!!


Guest spots!

So finally it's Summer. Yay!
too bad it's a bit cold this time, but it doesn't change much things for me as i am getting my back tattooed... sun is not an option for me this year hahaha.


Anyway, this summer we also will have some "action" going on, as we always fear summer will be a low season if people leave the city to go on holiday...

Add'ink will be closed the last week july, as from 24 until sat. 28 july i will be doing a guest spot at flying dutchman tattoo studio...
i am already fully booked for that week, but i will go again probably in October or November.

We will also have our friend Mattias coming over for a guest spot, he will be tattooing with us on tuesday 31 of july, tuesday 1rst and friday 3rd of august!
there still is some room for you to get an appointment, but hurry up, as this year we already are very busy.

You can reserve with Mattias or me by showing up at the tattoo studio anytime where opened, and make a deposit (deduced of the price of your tattoo) to fix your appointment.

Please note that on that week,
the shop will be closed on thursday 2nd and saturday 4th of august.

i will tell you more about summer closings and guests in the next post. have a good time!


“Blessed are the destroyers of false hope, for they are the true Messiahs - Cursed are the god-adorers, for they shall be shorn sheep!” 

Transformers tattoo

Ok some transformers, a bison and a bit of flash work this week, the demon and lady tattoo is based on some flash but once again I cant remember who did it, I think its from a book called art of the mark or something if any one knows let me know.

new month, new pictures.

Hello to all of you out there!
So it's already been a mounth?!?! oh damn time is running so fast...
I have been working, tattooing a lot these last weeks, so this time there will be more pictures about tattoos.
Lately i have spent some time thinking about the whole idea of social network.
you see, i am both on facebook and instagram, and what seemed in the beginning like a good way of getting myself known out there and promoting my work to maybe get more clients now became something i don't like as much as i used to...

I find facebook mostly filled with hate, and the source of painful frustrations due to my lack of social contact.
As a tattoo artist, i'd rather spend some time with my friends or go random in a bar or to see a concert, maybe talk with a few people out there, and go home. Or just stay home with my wife, have a beer and do my drawings.
But with this social internet thing, instead of having this spontaneous thrill of discovering whatever would happen on a night out, i feel myself trapped in bullshit feelings because mounths before the event, getting tired of being invited over and over to the same event by people who don't care about inviting me, just want one more person random not me.
And the second part of my frustration is that most of the time, my true friends would use a message on my phone rather than group message if they want to meet me there. So i get all worried when no one contacts me... why do i feel so lonely? why stay on a social network that doesn't give me enough of this social contact?

On the other hand, it really helps me to keep in touch with SOME people. like 10 times a year. and i'm addicted to it, i have been using FB for years, so stopping won't be as simple as it gets maybe....

yeah i'm thinking about quitting facebook. and instagram. quit all the social stuff, except just blogging like every two weeks... that would actually get me like 3 hours free each week, like 12 hours a mounth!!!!! just by stopping hanging on my phone and computer...
well i think that's all for now. I will post some pictures for your eyes to see, thank you so much for visiting my page.
