Back from summer.

Well it's how I feel right now.
I've been getting back into sidewalk surfing this summer, which feels great. Since they finished the Geneva brand new skatepark, I can even use my carver in the bowl...
That skatepark is the biggest concrete outdoor one of Europe I've been told...
Well I don't know much about the other ones, but that one surely looks huge!

Also, I have worked all summer. Those last few weeks I prepared several new big tattoos, one back piece and several sleeves... So this fall should be very interesting!

On 18,19 and 20 of this month (just next week actually!) I will be attending to the Evian tattoo convention!!! Having a booth there for 3 days, and I still have some free time to take people there for a spontaneous cool tattoo!!!
The week after, we will have a very special guest artist, Adam Christopher!!!! You still can contact us to get an appointment if you are quick, as he's getting booked fast!

Enough talking, more pictures...